
Server Stats

Hostname: alexli.ca (
Kernel: 4.19.0-8-amd64 x86_64
Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
CPU: AMD EPYC 7601 32-Core Processor
Memory: 987.20 MiB total (255.35 MiB used)
Swap: 512.00 MiB total (94.16 MiB used)
Disk: 24.11 GiB total (4.09 GiB used)
Server Time: Jul 27, 2024, 7:44 am UTC
Uptime: 1193 days 2 hours 49 minutes

Visitor Log

  • VN Hanoi, Vietnam 1722064074
  • US White Salmon, United States 1722062322
  • NL Amsterdam, Netherlands 1722060955
  • US Santa Clara, United States 1722058608
  • US Clifton, United States 1722055241
  • NL Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1722053818
  • GB Leeds, United Kingdom 1722052042
  • GB Leeds, United Kingdom 1722052041
  • US Santa Clara, United States 1722049644


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